It is ALL about Pride in London at the moment. So this week’s video (below) is all about the idea of being proud.

Here, in London, ‘Pride’ is very much focussed on the LGBTQI community (we have a big festive celebration coming up!).

And, funnily enough, one of the programs we deliver at High Definition You is the PRIDE program, which isn’t LGBTQI related at all, it’s actually about creating exceptional Customer Centricity! Interestingly, when we recently rolled the program out in Poland and India, the 300 participants there didn’t have the same association as we do in London.

What’s your association with Pride? What does it mean to you?




By definition, Pride is having a deep sense of pleasure or deep satisfaction in your own, or others achievements….. I find it’s so much easier to be proud of others than myself, don’t you? In this week’s video I’m talking about how important it is to be proud of yourself.

I often ask my clients:

Would the 15 year old version of you be proud of you right now?

I don’t jump to a straight yes when I ask myself this by the way. The 15 year old version of me hoped I would have won an academy award by now! But clearly my path has gone in a different direction…So you might have to dig a little deeper to discover something you’re proud of.

Top tip to help you become proud of yourself: Firstly, be kind to yourself, and then ask what’s one small thing you can feel good about? A time you helped someone out at work or pushed yourself that extra mile in the gym (that’s not me!) or perhaps you stopped yourself from eating that extra serve of ice cream (yup, that’s not me either!).

We are not always very kind to ourselves, so ask someone who loves you what they think you have to be proud of and then LISTEN without saying “Oh that, it was nothing” or “Oh, that was a team effort not just me”!

For me, I’m proud of this post! I wanted to start a weekly chat with my community and (after many excuses!) I finally have. I didn’t do it alone but, I’m quietening the chatter in my head, and just taking a moment to be proud of myself.

My challenge for you this week is: Don’t just think it – Write it down! Keep a record and re-read it when you need it, when the proverbial hits the fan and you need your resilience.

Finally, if no one else tells you today, let me be the one to tell you I’m grateful for you. Thank you for letting me be a part of your day and thank you for being a part of my world.

With gratitude,


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