Get To Know How Your Brain is Wired

Leadership, Change and Culture with Whole Brain Thinking

Want to know how Whole Brain Thinking creates change in the way you and your teams:

  • Communicate?
  • Decision Make?
  • Collaborate?
  • Problem Solve?
  • Innovate?

Watch this short video (3mins)  to find out how easy change in behaviour can be when you have a tool that’s scientifically robust yet simple enough to apply immediately.

Behaviour change in leaders, within teams AND with clients
Is this all possible with one tool?!

Watch this short video (2mins) to hear how one of our CEO clients, Sarah, saw immediate results with Whole Brain Thinking and the incredible impact it had in deepening one particular client conversation.

Initially skeptical, Sarah not only saw the impact of Whole Brain Thinking in her own leadership style but also in how it permanently changed behaviour within her Leadership Team as well as with their clients.

Life brings us lots of adventures, challenges and decisions, as I always say, it’s easier to navigate it with curiosity and courage.

I recently did a talk to 200 CEOs globally on that very subject, sharing lessons from my 15 year leadership journey in banking, my executive coaching career and my research in neuroscience.

We talked A LOT about how the brain is wired and the concept of neuroplasticity. One thing I know for sure is that when we understand both those things, we can better:

  • Communicate with confidence
  • Influence diverse people
  • Stretch our perspective in decision making
  • Increase motivation
  • Accelerate trust and
  • Handle difficult conversations with those who think differently from us

My video editor has put together a 14min microlearning from the session, which captures the key points. Have fun self-assessing how your brain is wired (and better understanding the brains around you!)

Once you’ve entered your details you will get the micro-learning right here, right now!

What’s inside:

Curious to find out how your brain is wired?

High Definition You - Gitanjali Trevorrow-Seymour - Gold Line Website Element Corporate Training Keynote Speaking Masterclass Coach Training and Development

Want more clarity, confidence and impact in your life?

Have questions? Please email my team at

Find out how YOUR brain is uniquely wired TODAY

It’s sometimes surprising, sometimes affirming, always enlightening when we discover how we’re wired.

It’s also incredibly valuable for 3 reasons:

  1. Creating real change in how we behave as a leader
  2. Interacting more confidently with our leaders, clients and direct reports
  3. Reducing unnecessary stress in both our professional and personal relationships

Curious about what’s going on inside your skull?! Access our zero cost training to discover how you can use your unique wiring better, with immediately applicable tools.

High Definition You - Gitanjali Trevorrow-Seymour - Gold Line Website Element Corporate Training Keynote Speaking Masterclass Coach Training and Development